Pathology Solutions
We provide trusted answers, together with our customers, through our integrated pathology solutions. Our portfolio includes a full range of world-class products, service and support that meet the individual needs of your lab and enables efficient, cost-effective and accurate diagnosis for cancer patients.
Contact us about Dako Pathology Solutions
IHC Solutions
We offer a unique and flexible combination of IHC solutions and a broad reagent portfolio for optimal staining quality, designed to meet the individual needs of your lab.
Dako Omnis
Autostainer Link 48
Special Stains Solution
The Artisan Link Pro is a unique special stains solution that addresses your need for true walk-away automation for consistent, high-quality special stains.
Artisan Link Pro
H&E Solution
Dako CoverStainer automates every step of the primary staining process from baking to drying, streamlining workflow and providing consistent quality slide after slide.
Dako CoverStainer
Molecular FISH/ISH Solutions
Fluorescence and Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization-based tests (FISH/ISH) are widely regarded as the gold standard for gene amplification and rearrangement detection.
Molecular FISH/ISH Solutions
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