Agilent DAKO Protitelesa in kontrole

Antibodies & Controls
Primary Antibodies are intended for use on tissue sections.
Polyclonal antibodies are provided as whole serum, Ig fractions, F(ab’)2 fragments or affinity isolated.
Monoclonal antibodies are generally provided as tissue culture supernatants or purified from culture supernatants.
FLEX RTU GA-series is designed for the Dako Omnis platform, the IR-series is designed for Autostainer Link 48 and the IS-series is designed for Dako Autostainer instruments.
Antibody Cocktails will provide a two-color staining reaction on the same tissue section.
Multipurpose Antibodies are concentrated polyclonal antibodies usable for techniques besides immunohistochemistry.
Secondary Antibodies are primarily utilized for amplification of the antibody/antigen reaction.
Control Reagents are well-suited as qualitative negative controls for the primary antibodies.
All antibody reagents for immunohistochemistry are in liquid form and contain an antimicrobial agent.
Antibodies & Controls
Refine By
Antibody Cocktails (3)
Control Reagents (16)
Primary Antibodies (472)
Secondary Antibodies (26)
Example category image description
Antibody Cocktails (3)
Ready-to-use, two-color primary antibody cocktails for EnVision DuoFLEX Doublestain System, designed for Autostainer Link 48. These ready-to-use antibody cocktails will provide a two-color staining reaction on the same tissue section.
Example category image description
Control Reagents (16)
The normal animal sera and animal immunoglobulins listed are well-suited as qualitative negative controls for primary antibodies. Negative controls should be diluted to match the concentration of the corresponding antibody.
Example category image description
Primary Antibodies (472)
Primary antibodies for use in tissue-based immunohistochemistry (IHC). This group features concentrated primary antibodies for manual use and FLEX Ready-to-Use primary antibodies for either Dako Omnis and Autostainer Link 48 platforms as well …
Example category image description
Secondary Antibodies (26)
Secondary antibodies are utilized either for the direct detection of animal immunoglobulins or for amplification of the antibody/antigen reaction. All secondary antibodies and their conjugates are carefully tested to ensure good performance and …

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