Agilent Food Analyzers, Databases, and Libraries – TRANSFORM YOUR RESULTS FROM ACCEPTABLE TO EXCEPTIONAL

The safety of our food supply is a paramount global concern; however,
today’s labs are short-staffed, under tight deadlines, and facing tough
regulatory scrutiny. To succeed with any new application, the number
of steps between startup and results must be reduced.
Agilent has your back with customizable and preconfigured
innovations to help you protect consumers.
LC/MS and GC/MS solutions from Agilent Technologies empower your
lab to solve problems faster, run more efficiently, and enable every
user to employ advanced chromatographic techniques.
• GC/MS analyzers Fully optimized, pre-configured and tested GC/
MS systems which provide maximum productivity from the day they
are installed. Get on the “Fast Track” to success and eliminate weeks
to months of method development and database creation time while
saving on costs. Available for most major food safety, environmental,
forensic toxicology and petrochemical applications.
• LC/MS and GC/MS databases and libraries Transform your
results from acceptable to exceptional with Agilent’s MassHunter
database and library suite of products. Highly curated, these
compound databases and spectral libraries streamline your targeted
and suspect screening workflows with unmatched reliability giving
you absolute confidence in your results.
Only Agilent has customized solutions to meet your unique food
analysis challenges.
How this Guide works
The table of contents is conveniently organized by analyte
type, so you can find the solution you’re looking for
quickly. Simply click the links to immediately jump to the
section you want to explore.

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