Agilent Pretočna citometrija

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Our extensive range of reagents for flow cytometry are compatible with most flow cytometry instruments. The antibody/fluorochrome range includes FITC, RPE, APC, RPE-Cy5, Pacific Blue and PerCP reagents. Single-Color Conjugates We offer a wide range of high-quality, single-color conjugated antibodies for use in flow cytometry. We offer both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies conjugated with either APC, FITC, PB, PerCP, RPE or RPE-Cy5. Not all antibodies are available in all conjugated variants. MultiMix Panel The MultiMix panel is a comprehensive and carefully selected antibody fluorochrome combinations panel. The antibody and fluorochrome combinations have been designed to gain the best sensitivity of the analysis on most flow cytometers. Kits and Accessories We also offer kits for specific tests or applications, e.g. for the study of apoptosis, CD34 count, telomeres as well as several lysing, fixation and permeabilization kits.

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