Pesticide analysis in food and environmental samples is a challenge because you
need low detection limits and you often must monitor large numbers of compounds.
Triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (MS) systems are frequently used for this analysis
because of their high sensitivity and specificity.
This manual outlines an efficient way to do pesticide quantitation by liquid chromatography
(LC) with triple quadrupole MS detection. It describes use of Agilent LC/
MS systems that deliver robust, sensitive analyses, as well as Agilent software tools
that accelerate method development and sample analyses.
1 Before You Begin 5
Introduction 6
Required Items 10
2 Developing the Data Acquisition Method 13
Prepare pesticide standards 14
Develop the preliminary static MRM method 16
Develop the final Dynamic MRM method 28
3 Analyzing Samples 39
Prepare samples 40
Acquire data for standards and samples 43
Perform quantitation and review results 46
Print a report 47
4 Reference Information 49
Required supplies and chemicals 50
References 52
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