Alissa Interpret Case Study Compendium

Alissa Clinical Informatics Platform Alissa Align & Call Alissa Interpret These case studies and application notes show how our customers, with the help of our team of field application scientists (FAS), have established their laboratories’ routine testing on the Alissa Clinical Informatics Platform. You’ll learn how labs use Alissa to: – Improve and align with their standard operating procedures (SOP) for greater efficiency. – Improve their turnaround times from pipeline analysis to variant assessment. – Seamlessly implement their NGS and CGH workflows, panels and exomes. – Address molecular diagnostic challenges: from clinical genetics to molecular pathology. Alissa Align & Call Alissa Align & Call ushers in the next generation of genomic data analysis to unlock NGS complex data and accelerate time-to-results. Optimized for Agilent SureSelect, HaloPlex and OneSeq libraries and reagents for an integrated NGS workflow of detection, annotation, and visualization of called and aligned variants. Alissa Interpret Using any VCF file, Alissa Interpret automates variant assessment for NGS and CGH workflows, performing triage and curation for routine diagnostic testing. With ease, Alissa Interpret provides access to a wealth of annotation sources and peer reviewed databases, builds the lab’s internal knowledge base, and drafts clinical-grade lab reports with ease. On the leading edge, Alissa Interpret supports end-to-end workflows for genomic testing across multiple independent testing laboratories and hospitals. Za odpiranje dokumenta
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