Analysis of microcystins and nodularin in drinking water using an Agilent Ultivo QQQ LC/MS

Microcystins and nodularin are potent hepatotoxins produced by various species of
cyanobacteria. During algal blooms, large quantities of microcystins and nodularin
can occur in freshwater systems, threatening livestock and human drinking water
sources. Ingesting these compounds carries health risks; therefore, regulatory
agencies such as the US EPA and the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend
limiting microcystins in drinking water to sub-ppb levels. This study extracted
and prepared 500-mL water samples according to the US EPA method 544 for
microcystins and nodularin in drinking water. This Application Note demonstrates a
sensitive and robust analytical method for analyzing six microcystins and nodularin
in drinking water using the innovative Agilent Ultivo triple quadrupole LC/MS

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