Designer Drug Detection and Identification – Reliably Screen for Targets and Unknowns

Newly updated Designer Drug Kit—resources for rapid and accurate screening for designer drugs, metabolites, and other toxins
Screening to detect and identify the presence of designer drugs, or novel psychoactive substances, poses a major challenge for today’s analyst.
Agilent is committed to continually updating resources to help you stay current on the broad range of designer drugs. Our innovative technologies and updated screening methods provide the critical resources you need to unambiguously identify designer drugs and other toxins using Agilent GC/MS and LC/MS solutions.
Screen for designer drugs and metabolites without prior knowledge of the sample
Conduct rapid, broad based targeted screens for hundreds of designer drugs, metabolites, and other targets of interest with the Agilent t-MRM LC/QQQ database and library with up to ten MRM transitions for more than 2,500 toxins.
Quickly implement screening methods with the Agilent Personal Compound Database (PCD) or Personal Compound Database and Library (PCDL), including a 9,000-compound Forensic Toxicology accurate mass database, and 3,000 compound accurate mass MS/MS spectral library.
Use of the newly released Agilent MassHunter based designer drug GC/MS library to the identification of seized designer drugs
Presented by:
José Luiz da Costa, Ph.D., Forensic Toxicology Laboratory, Sao Paulo Police Headquarters
What you will learn:
Agilent has just introduced a new GC/MS MassHunter based designer drug library containing over 300 drugs and their metabolites. This webinar will demonstrate the utility of this library as an additional tool to help in the identification of seized drugs from authentic case samples analyzed in the Sao Paulo State Scientific Police, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and how it can also assist the national health surveillance authority in scheduling new drugs.
Access the complete Designer Drug Kit for GC/MS Solutions and receive:
GC/MSD Designer Drug library with over 300 designer drugs and their metabolites—compatible with BOTH MSD ChemStation and MassHunter software
GC/MS/MS MRM MassHunter database in either EI or CI mode to accurately identify more than 500 designer drugs and their metabolites
Designer Drug Compendiums:
Identification of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Herbal Incense Blends by GC/MS
Analysis of Designer Stimulants by GC/MS

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