eRevija: Peak Talks (FEB 2020)

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Peak Scientific’s latest Precision SL Hydrogen generator was chosen among the top 15 innovations in the Analytical Scientist Innovation Awards . The Precision SL generator for GC-FID was selected due to its strong potential to have a positive effect on the lab environment as a smaller, simpler and safer alternative to gas cylinders, providing hydrogen at up to 99.9995% purity. 1 minute read » GC and orchids A recent study study using GC analysis revealed that some chemicals contained within a specific species of orchids can repel mosquitoes by their scent. 3 minute read » ArabLab 2020 Join us at ArabLab 2020 in Dubai this March, we will be in Hall S1, Booth 476. Speak to our team to discover Peak’s latest gas generators for GC and LCMS. 1 minute read » Mayne Pharma user story Find out how Mayne Pharma increased their lab productivity with a Peak nitrogen gas generator and what has been the key benefits of deploying it. 2 minute read » Kevin in Rwanda Peak Scientific supported a member of our global team with a great cause which helped in developing a local community through sport in Kigali, Rwanda. 2 minute read » Tell us what you think Complete our short user story questions and your lab could be featured in the next Peak Scientific mailer.

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