eRevija: Peak Talks (MAR 2018)

Your Peak Scientific monthly blog update
A selection of our latest blog posts bringing you a round up of interesting stories in analytical science today, from alcohol quality testing with GC to an exclusive first look at Peak’s latest product innovation at Analytica Munich in April.
Peak Scientific Jobs
What is it like to work at Peak?
Watch our new video to find out more about the people that make Peak, our products and our services.
2 minute watch »
GC for alcohol profiling
Alcohol quality using GC
Alcohol profiling using GC is essential to keeping consumers safe and maintaining product quality.
5 minute read »
Analytica laboratory gas
New product at Analytica
Visit Peak at Analytica Munich, Hall A2 Booth 406, to get an exclusive first look at our latest innovation
2 minute read »
Peak Genius 1024 assists fertilizer analysis using LC-MS
Crop protection using LC-MS with Genius
Using Peak’s Genius 1024 generator, Syngenta have optimized their LC-MS analysis.
3 minute read »
i-FlowLab centralized N2 for labs
Peak’s centralized N2 solution
Find out more about the benefits of Peak’s expandable whole of lab nitrogen generator, i-FlowLab.
4 minute read »
Genius series Nitrogen for LC-MS
Where does the name ‘Genius’ come from?
Peak’s best-selling N2 generator has helped thousands of labs but where did it get its name?
2 minute read »

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