Fast and Flexible Optimization of Modifier Concentrations Using an Agilent 1290 Infinity LC System with BlendAssist

During LC method development, varying buffer or modifi er concentrations is
frequently done to optimize the separation of compounds. Using the Agilent 1290
Infi nity Quaternary Pump with Blend Assist simplifi es and accelerates method
development. Blend Assist is software implemented in the driver for the 1290
Infi nity Quaternary Pump and can be used through any data system that controls
the pump. Consequently, the 1290 Infi nity Quaternary Pump can be integrated
into any Agilent 1200 Infi nity LC system providing optimum method development
This Technical Overview shows how Blend Assist, in combination with the Agilent
1290 Infi nity Quaternary LC System, is used to vary buffer/modifi er concentration
using ternary or quaternary gradients. Having optimized the separation on the
1290 Infi nity Quaternary LC System with Blend Assist, the developed optimum
conditions are applied directly onto an Agilent 1290 Infi nity Binary LC to prove
agreement of retention times and separation

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