Agilent 1260 Infinity 2

Every day, Every way, InfinityLab family, infinity ii
Agilent 1260 Infinity II LC
Put your trust in the LC platform that runs, and runs, and runs. Forming a solid foundation for the Agilent InfinityLab family, the new 1260 Infinity II LC combines latest technology with perfectly matched columns and supplies, taking you to the next level of efficiency. Add our OpenLAB software and CrossLab services for utmost confidence in your daily results – every day in every way.
Experience everyday analytical efficiency
Reliable instrumentation combines with latest column technologies and advanced supplies to guarantee robust separation and detection performance for utmost confidence in your results.
Achieve everyday instrument efficiency
Easy column handling and superior sample logistics – from sample submission to data analysis – ensure fast turnaround times and highest instrument utilization.
Realize everyday laboratory efficiency
Seamless method transfer and stepwise upgrade paths facilitate risk-free integration in current infrastructure – for non-disruptive transition to highest performance within the confines of your budget.

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