Oligo Pro II

The Oligo Pro II System is employed in the determination of ssDNA and ssRNA oligonucleotide purity. Parallel capillary electrophoresis coupled with UV detection to provide single nucleotide resolution and direct assessment of oligonucleotide purity eliminating the need for intercalating dyes and fluorescent probes. With 12-capillary, 24-capillary and 96-capillary arrays available, the Oligo Pro II quickly adjusts to meet changing throughput demands.
Simultaneously assess 12, 24 or 96 different samples by parallel capillary electrophoresis with online, fixed wavelength UV absorbance detection. Preloaded and optimized separation and capillary conditioning methods simplify and streamline operation.
Modulate throughput and separate up to 288 samples without human intervention with convenient and simple advanced programming of runs. Post-capillary electrophoresis, intuitive data analysis software provides automated and accurate analysis of oligonucleotide samples.
Low cost per sample
Single nucleotide resolution from 10-mer to 60-mer lengths
Easy and economical use and maintenance
Minimal sample preparation and consumption
Small instrument footprint
Fast SeparationsImprove Product QualityWide Sizing Range
Throughput for all LabsDirect Detection of OligosSimplified Report Generation
Accurately characterize the purity of synthetic oligos quickly and cost effectively.
The Oligo Pro II provides researchers with a dependable solution for the quality control analysis of manufactured oligos prior to use in critical applications. Importantly, results are free of sequence and size-dependent variations, giving researchers accurate results, no matter what.
Ensure optimum performance of oligonucleotides in downstream applications with sensitive and accurate analysis of impurities. The Oligo Pro II measures impurities at n-1 resolution on up to 96 samples simultaneously, making it the ideal workhorse for oligonucleotide purity analysis.
The electropherogram depicts the separation of ssDNA oligonucleotides at single nucleotide resolution, across the range of the Oligo Pro II.
The electropherogram depicts the separation of ssDNA oligonucleotides at single nucleotide resolution, across the range of the Oligo Pro II.

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