Our portfolio of instruments for clinical research includes offerings for conventional
high-throughput quantitative analysis, as well as enabling increased throughput up to
four-times that of standard LC/MS with our new StreamSelect LC/MS platform. Explore
the products and analytical methods shown here to discover how Agilent can help you
achieve your laboratory’s goals for routine and robust quantitation.
Agilent has supported forensic toxicologists for decades with reliable analytical tools
and powerful software. In addition to our complete portfolio of GC/MS, LC/MS and
high-throughput RapidFire MS products, we support forensic toxicology analysis
with analyzers, application kits, and large compound libraries so you can confidently
identify and quantify the contents of a myriad of analytes.
You know how difficult it can be to analyze today’s designer drugs—synthetic analogs
of illegal drugs developed to circumvent drug laws—due to matrix interferences.
Agilent has succeeded in using a combination of separation technologies and
powerful libraries to manage this challenging problem.
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