The Agilent 1290 Infinity 2D- LC Solution is a combination of existing 1290
Infinity LC based hardware products with a new 2D- LC acquisition
software add- on for OpenLAB CDS ChemStation edition and some new
hardware products to set- up 2D- LC systems combining two orthogonal LC
separations in a serial way to maximize separation efficiency in a single
It is designed to fulfill needs for highest separation power, for example in
bio- pharma, pharma, proteomics, natural products, traditional chinese
medicine, food matrices, polymers, and many more.
The Agilent 1290 Infinity 2D- LC Solution offers the following features and
• Easy- to- use for easiest 2D- LC system and method set- up
• Highest performance to achieve highest separation power
• Flexible hardware with upgrade possibilities of existing LC- systems
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