GC and GC/MS Frequently Asked Questions
A History of GC and GC/MS Chromatography was invented by the Russian botanist, Mikhail Tswett, in 1903 to separate pigments in plants. It…
Bodite na tekočem z novostmi, naprednimi aplikativnimi pristopi in vrhunsko tehnologijo za doseganje zanesljivih in ponovljivih rezultatov z robustnimi inštrumenti in zanesljivimi reagenti za kemijsko analizo, molekularno biologijo in genetiko.
A History of GC and GC/MS Chromatography was invented by the Russian botanist, Mikhail Tswett, in 1903 to separate pigments in plants. It…
The compendium showcases Agilent Fragment Analyzer, TapeStation, 1290 Infinity Bio LC, and 6545 XT Advance Bio LC/Q-TOF systems in IVT mRNA biotherapeutics workflow.…
The PEAK Scientific Product Catalogue is available to download now. The catalogue aims to deliver a broad overview of all of our main…
GPAT is a chromatographic peak assignment tool for N-glycan separations performed with the Agilent AdvanceBio Amide HILIC column in the 2.1 x 150…
Predstavljamo vam tudi nov produkt za upravljanje LC sistema. InfinityLab Companion je Agilentov uporabniški vmesnik, v Chemassu pa smo za upravljanje pripravili tablični…
V podjetju Chemass d.o.o. smo ponosni, da vam lahko predstavimo novost v našistoritvi servisa in vzdrževanja. Ponujamo vam možnost uporabe individualne QR kode,…
Reversed-phase liquid chromatography (LC) is often associated with quantitative or analytical-scale analysis, but it is also useful as a preparativescale tool for purification.…
Agilent is a global leader in chromatography and spectroscopy, as well as an expert in chemical standards manufacturing. All Agilent chemical standards in…
As a synthetic chemist, biologist or engineer, it’s your job to study the impact of chemical compounds. To achieve this goal, you need…
Agilent provides the most comprehensive portfolio of high-quality systems for gel permeation and size exclusion chromatography. No matter which type of polymer you…