COVID-19 & Infectious Disease (Agilent Solutions)

Helping You in the Race to Understand, Test and Develop Vaccines and Treatments for Infectious Disease Pathogens are continuously emerging and evolving. Addressing the threat of new and potentially life-threatening pathogens requires deep understanding and accurate, reproducible techniques for developing better tests, vaccines, and treatments. In these pursuits, every result is time sensitive, and certainty is more crucial than ever. Agilent provides the complete breadth of systems, consumables, software, services, and knowledge you need to support your success. Live and On Demand Infectious Disease Webinar Library Visit our growing library of live and on demand recordings of technical webinars in infectious disease research, test development, and vaccine and drug development. Join live or watch at your convenience as Agilent and industry experts offer insights to help accelerate your efforts. Go to Webinars Virology & Infectious Disease Virtual Event – October 22, 2020 Join us at this live virtual event where you can tun into 6 live presentations from speakers in the infectious disease research field from across the globe. Visit the virtual auditorium throughout the day, live chat with experts in the networking lounge, visit the poster hall showcasing our latest research posters, stop-by our booths to learn about the newest technologies and engage with your peers throughout the day. Register today Infectious Disease Applications Accelerating your efforts to combat infectious disease COVID-19 – Infectious Disease Research Comprehensive Solutions and Workflows to Drive Your Infectious Disease Research Forward. Learn More Infectious Disease Test Development The Speed and Accuracy Your Test Development Requires. Learn More COVID-19 – Vaccine and Drug Development Streamlined and Reproducible Samples-to-Answers Workflows for Critical Speed and Certainty. Learn More Noteworthy News: COVID-19 – Working Together for Progress During Uncertain Times COVID-19 has changed our lives, very suddenly and in dramatic ways that we never imagined. One thing that hasn’t changed is Agilent’s commitment to providing answers to the critical questions and challenges you face in this very difficult global situation. Learn More Grant-Writing Success: Nine Strategies for Winning Grants at NIH and Beyond When you are seeking funding from federal or private sources, you need every advantage to make your application successful. Covering nine strategies for winning grants at NIH and beyond, this webinar teaches best practices for grant-writing and grant-strategizing, as well as common mistakes that applicants make in their proposals. It will help you put the critical pieces in place to create a convincing application that gets reviewers and funders on your side. Watch On Demand Contact Us We’d like to share the latest information from Agilent to help your fight against infectious diseases, including applications, educational events, webinars, products and more. Contact Us For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Disclaimer: Agilent products are NOT approved for COVID-19 testing, diagnosis, treatment, or mitigation. Agilent has not validated a product to detect the novel coronavirus. RA.2001967593 Za odpiranje dokumenta
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