eRevija: Peak Talks (FEB 2019)

Your essential GC gas newsletter
Welcome to the February/March edition of the GC gas newsletter, brought to you by Peak Scientific, featuring a round up of all things Peak and GC.
In this edition we bring you news about why a GC-MS is going to Mars, a user story from the University of Twente in the Netherlands and a product focus on our Precision Hydrogen Standard gas generators. First, we have our special feature which this time looks at the most common forms of cannabis testing.
Cannabis testing
The most common forms of cannabis testing
With the increasing legislation of cannabis around the globe the scientific community is constantly focusing on its quality control and safety. However, there isn’t just one type of testing that determines the quality of cannabis – a number of tests should be carried out. Click to find out what they are…
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GC on Mars
Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry will be performed on Mars in attempt to find life. A Franklin rover will be sent on a mission in 2020 carrying four gas chromatography-mass spectrometry columns and a Raman spectrometer.
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Share your experience
Share with us your experience with your Precision gas generator and the research, application and method you use for your GC analysis. Answer the questions and your lab could be the next featured user story like the University of Twente.
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Precision H2 product feature
Offering various flow rates, the Precision Hydrogen generators are the perfect solution for detectors requiring hydrogen fuel gas. They use electrolysis to produce high purity hydrogen and one generator is able to supply multiple detectors.
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University of Twente user story
Lab technician A. van Swaaij who works at the Faculty of Engineering Technology at the University of Twente shares his and his team’s experience with Peak’s Precision Series. Their GC analysis is focused on performing vulcanization.

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