Reveal the Potential of your Stem Cells (SeaHorse)

Agilent Seahorse XF technology measures discrete changes in cellular bioenergetics in real-time, enabling researchers to predict the ability of somatic cells to reprogram, confirm pluripotency and monitor cell phenotype from pluripotency to differentiation. Achieve a new level of cell characterization, control and efficiency through label-free, real-time analysis.
Stem cell reprogramming and
differentiation potential.
As cells enter and exit
the pluripotent state.
Pluripotency stability and
functional differentiation.
Media choice in stem cell research is a major contributor to variability and inefficiency. The webinar describes how media composition influences cellular metabolism cues for driving high efficiency differentiation from human pluripotent stem cells.
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Several unmet challenges exist within stem cell research. The stem cell research brochure highlights pivotal Seahorse XF assays conducted to provide a more complete understanding of how stem cells and their derived cellular products function.
Stem Cell Metabolism Link
stem cell marker
Fig 1
Stem cells, somatic cells, and differentiated cells exhibit specific metabolic signatures. Measurable metabolic switching events and resultant preference of glycolytic and/or oxidative respiration energy pathways, occurs at multiple stages when cells become reprogrammed, enter and exit a pluripotent state, begin to differentiate, and terminally differentiate.
Fig 2 Mouse over for full image.
Reprogramming/Differentiation Efficiency:
Early detection of reprogramming and differentiation capacity.
Metabolic energy utilization and preference, characterized before and after cell fate changes occur, identify the metabolic phenotype allowing researchers to predict and confirm cell function, revealing actionable reprogramming and differentiation potential.
pluripotency stability
Fig 3
Entering and Exiting Pluripotency:
Early detection of differentiation.
Distinguishing naïve versus primed stem cells is required for optimizing gene targeting effectiveness. Screening for differentiation potential and isolating the commitment stage provides an actionable window for dictating when the time is right to conduct and prompt the next transition stage.
Fig 4 Mouse over for full image.
Functional Differentiation:
Confirm function and proximity to terminal differentiation.
Expanding genetic interpretation to assess for functional performance can confirm the relevance of a particular disease model. Performing metabolic phenotyping is essential for optimizing and standardizing disease models.
Dive Deeper with standardized cell metabolism assays and powerful software
Agilent Seahorse XF kits and reagents are pre-calibrated, pre-tested and are coupled with powerful report generator software, providing functional metabolic data from live cells at every stage of the reprogramming and differentiation process.
Cell Energy Phenotype Assay
Rapidly determines the energy phenotype/fingerprint of cells and reveals their metabolic potential.
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Glycolytic Rate Assay
Provides a complete glycolytic profile.
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Mitochondrial Stress Test Kit
Provides a complete oxygen respiration profile.
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Related Information
Download the Seahorse XF Stem Cell Research Brochure.
Download the Stem Cell Research Application Brief.
Watch the webinar Working Towards Defining a Metabolic Roadmap for Stem Cell Lineage Progression.
Learn more about How XF technology Works.
Learn more about stem cells and profiling cellular energy metabolism.
Browse peer-reviewed publications containing Seahorse XF data with our Publications Database.
Find out how XF technology has been used with different cell types of interest with our Cell Reference Database.
Research more using our stem cell bibliography.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Fig 1 – Folmes, C. D., et al. Somatic oxidative bioenergetics transitions into pluripotency-dependent glycolysis to facilitate nuclear reprogramming. Cell Metab. 2011. 14: 264-71.
Fig 2 – Sperber, H., et al. The metabolome regulates the epigenetic landscape during naive-to-primed human embryonic stem cell transition. Nat Cell Biol. 2015. 17: 1523-35.
Fig 3 – Lorenz, C., et al. Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitors Are an Effective Drug Discovery Model for Neurological mtDNA Disorders. Cell Stem Cell. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2016.12.013.
Fig 4 – Ito, K., et al. Metabolic requirements for the maintenance of self-renewing stem cells. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2014. 15: 243-56.

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