Sample Scheduler for OpenLAB – Get results faster with automated worklist submission

Want a short cut to more reliable results? Save time and reduce errors caused by manually entering sample information into the CDS. Sample Scheduler for OpenLAB fully integrates with your LIMS to automate the scheduling and assignment of samples. Get a complete overview of samples in process and perform all actions in a single central laboratory worklist without having to launch the CDS.
Reduce implementation and maintenance costs
Out-of-the box solution can be configured to meet your specific business needs. Rely on our dedicated support staff to troubleshoot and resolve issues quickly
Improve lab productivity
Automate the worklist scheduling and assignment from LIMS and organize into a single analysis table in Sample Scheduler. Perform all actions from a single central laboratory worklist.
Manage and optimize your lab
One software interface provides a lab-wide view of instruments and samples in process, allowing the user to assign the sample to the required, or next free, instrument for higher instrument utilization.
Enhance the quality of results
Automate the transfer of all relevant sample information and results between your LIMS and CDS – eliminating error-prone manual steps. Review first pass results within Sample Scheduler to reanalyze and resubmit results.

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