Materials Testing and Research Solutions – Polymers and Rubbers (Primer)

From the extraction of raw materials through the development, manufacturing and utilization of advanced materials, to material reuse and recycling, Agilent Technologies offers innovative, reliable analytical solutions for your business. Our comprehensive line of instruments for materials testing and research will ensure you consistently and cost-effectively deliver the highest quality finished products and materials. Materials market overview The materials market comprises the industries involved in the extraction of raw minerals from the earth (geosciences, mining and mineralogy) and the subsequent characterization and transformation of those raw minerals into metal alloys, ceramics, glass, and other engineered materials — described collectively as “advanced materials”. These advanced materials are developed with purpose specific characteristics and properties in a wide variety of industries. AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES MATERIALS TESTING AND RESEARCH SOLUTIONS Examples of advanced materials include: • Aero and automotive (metals, composites) • Polymers and composites • Glass/ceramics/optics and photonics (lenses and coatings, eyewear) • Specialty films and surface coatings (paint, adhesives, resins) • Semiconductor and electronics (LEDs, LCDs, disk drives, thin-film electronics, fuel cells, solar cells) • Textiles, paper and packaging • Consumer goods (jewelry, gemstones, cosmetics) • Construction (cement, architectural glass, metal alloys) Za odpiranje dokumenta
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